How can I close a plan that I no longer want?

Modified on Thu, 16 Nov 2023 at 12:24 PM

To close any of your Scripbox Plans:

  1. Open Wealth tab in the Scripbox App
  2. Look for the "Wealth Insights" section, which will have a list of your Plans
  3. Click on whichever plan you would like to close, you will be taken to that Plan's dashboard.
  4. Scroll to the bottom of the Plan Dashboard to find the "Close Plan" button.
  5. Click on the "Close Goal" or "Close Plan" option. You will see one of 2 options:
    1. If you still have investments tagged to a particular plan, you will not be able to close this plan. You would need to first Move those investments to a different Plan.
    2. If you have finished moving all your investments to another Plan, you will see a confirmation dialog. After confirming, your plan will be closed & will disappear from your Plan list.

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